In cooperation with the Department of Organization of educational and ideological work of the University of Public Security, The Writers ' Union, the Republican Center for spirituality and enlightenment, on February 14, on the occasion of the “542th anniversary of the birth of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur”, a selection of essays was held among the University's military personnel and students. About 700 cadets, term servicemen and students took part in this competition, which embodied such noble ideas as educating servicemen in the spirit of patriotism, instilling in them feelings of pride in our national army. The essays of the participants of the competition were evaluated on the principles of justice and transparency by a jury of responsible employees of the Writers ' Union, the Center for spirituality and enlightenment of the Republic. The winners of the essay competition on the topic "542nd Anniversary of the Birth of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur" were awarded diplomas and souvenirs by the University Command.