President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Supreme Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces Sh…

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Supreme Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited …

A multi-level military education system has been created in our country, which trains command and technical personnel, combines several educational institutions. The University of Public Safety is one of these.

Reorganized on the basis of the decision of the head of our state on April 15, 2021 “on measures to further improve the system of training of professional personnel in the field of ensuring public security”, this residence is a higher military educational and research institution that purposefully trains qualified personnel. The main task of the educational institution is to train qualified specialists capable of effectively organizing public safety through in-depth training, increased combat and physical training.

For this, modern education is provided for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Guard in the areas of Public Order, road safety and passport system, respectively, and for the armed forces and other law enforcement agencies in the areas of military diplomacy, jurisprudence, Economics, Engineering-Technical, Educational-Psychological and command-tactical activities.

The university has started accepting students from the academic year 2021/2022. There are 15 directions in The Bachelor's degree and 8 in the master's degree. Today, more than a thousand cadets are studying in The Bachelor's degree, a special course, correspondence education, and so many more young people are studying in the master's degree. They are taught a total of 209 teachers, professors and doctors of science.

One of the peculiarities of the educational system is that it is allowed to study here on a universal basis, and today students are studying in the fields of jurisprudence, economics and psychology. Graduates of the University are effectively serving in the units of the National Guard and the Ministry of internal affairs to ensure public safety and maintain public order. Specialists in this field are also trained for state and economic bodies with their own protection structure.

In recent years, the educational buildings of the University have been overhauled and all conditions have been created. The sports complex and the educational and methodological situational center were newly built. The 6 beds, each with a capacity of 300 seats, were brought into a state-of-the-Art state of the art.

The head of our state examined these conditions.

The study rooms are spacious and bright, with modern techniques. The Information Resource Center has more than 90 thousand literature and educational manuals, more than 10 thousand Electronic Literature. Alisher Navoi National Library and the unified electronic library of higher education institutions are connected to the information system bases.

The scientific potential of the university is increasing. In the year of its founding, it was only 10 percent, while at the same time it rose to 75 percent. More than 200 study guides, 120 textbooks in various disciplines were prepared and published by the University team. Special attention is also paid to the expansion of international cooperation of the University team.

The president gave instructions on the wide introduction of dual education in communication with officers and students, the adaptation of the curriculum to today's risks.

The University's new sports complex was also surveyed.

In the two-storey complex, a pool, a track and a crosfit Hall, boxing, all-round fields are organized. The large gym offers height training and evacuation training along with gymnastics, mini-football, handball, volleyball, basketball, table tennis.

Cadets are also making great strides in sports. To date, 4 Gold, 3 silver, 5 bronze medals have been awarded at the world championships, and many achievements have also been made at Continental and Republican competitions. Several students have been awarded state scholarships, and servicemen have been awarded the “Mard oglon” State Prize.

The Center for spirituality and enlightenment houses an event hall with 500 seats, a separate room for the activities of the military band community, a patriotic museum, a psychological center. Our head of state observed their creative performances.

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