External education

Correspondence education form

According to the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 15, 2021 “on measures to further improve the system of training of professional personnel in the field of Public Security”PQ-5077, the correspondence form of education of the University is provided for current military personnel (employees) with at least three years of military service (service), in which the duration of

According to the resolution, the annual admission quota of the university to the correspondence form of education is up to 100 listeners.

According to the additional quota established annually by the apparatus of the Security Council under the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the correspondence form of education of the University, military personnel (personnel) with at least three years of military service (service) in other law enforcement bodies and the armed forces can be enrolled on a pay-contract basis.

Military personnel and personnel serving in the ranks of the National Guard Of The Republic of Uzbekistan and other power structures of the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies are trained in the following areas of education in the fields of undergraduate education:


Training of specialist personnel in part-time education is carried out in the form of part-time education without separation from service.

In part-time education, study takes the form of Independent, including distance learning, in the period leading up to the training session.

In this case, the listener independently Masters the topics specified in the programs of the subjects planned for the semester in the working curriculum using methodological guidelines.

In correspondence education, a faculty listener is called to the University for a study session at least once during each semester. To do this, a notification will be sent to him until the start of the training session (at least 15 days in advance).

During the training session:

  • the listener protects the assignments given for the semester. In case of a positive assessment of all tasks in science, the listener is allowed to enter the final assessment in science;
  • final assessments are conducted in disciplines;
  • the subjects taught during the semester (in the volume prescribed in the working curriculum) are carried out through lectures, seminars and practical classes. With assignments on topics, methodological instructions are given on their implementation.

Advanced methods and technologies (development of problematic, Interactive, Creative Activities, Group solving of creative tasks, collaborative pedagogy, individualization, etc.) are used in lectures, seminars and practical classes held during the educational process.

Control and evaluation of listener and student knowledge is carried out in accordance with the orders of the commander of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan, order of the Minister of higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 9, 2018 “on approval of the regulation on the system of control and assessment of student knowledge in higher educational institutions”No. 19-2018

Listeners educated at the faculty are awarded a diploma of the state sample by the decision of the commission of the final state attestation.

The diploma application is completed in accordance with the subjects in the sample curriculum and their size.

Education is carried out in the state language.

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