The University of Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan aims to become not only the best educational institution, but also the leading research center in the field of public security in the country. To achieve these goals, in a short period of time he gathered under the slogan "Knowledge. Loyalty. Bravery" staff of qualified teachers and prominent scientists. Today, the scientific potential of the University is more than 75%: it consists of 47 Doctors of Sciences (DSc), 110 Candidates of Sciences (PhD), 40 professors and 91 associate professors.
The list of advanced scientific developments and implemented grants with domestic and foreign universities contributes to the development of scientific potential among students.
The leading positions of the university in a number of indicators allow us to actively establish international contacts. To date, the University has signed more than 19 memoranda, a number of agreements and protocols on mutual understanding and cooperation between higher education institutions of such advanced and developed countries as Belarus, Kazakhstan, Korea, Russia, Turkey, France and others.
We offer our trainees a range of specializations, both full-time and part-time forms of study. Among them, it should be particularly noted, legal (military lawyers), diplomatic (military attaches), areas of study, as well as specializations in economic, command and tactical, road patrol, patrol and sentry activities.
The training is based on the use of advanced pedagogical and information technologies, the most modern educational, material and technical base is used in the educational process (swimming pool, sports complex, race track, situational and imitation polygons, computer classes and laboratories, language labs).
Our students have at their disposal a modern information resource center with more than 4,000 textbooks and manuals in the state (Uzbek), Russian, English, Turkish and Kazakh languages, an electronic library with access to world scientific and educational resources is worth noting separately.
Graduates of our University stand guard over peace and tranquility, ensuring public safety of the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Become worthy defenders of the Motherland and highly qualified specialists in demanded specialties.
Start your journey to success with The University of Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
I sincerely wish you good luck!
Rustambayev Mirzayusup Hakimovich