The Faculty of Re-Training and Professional Development of the University is responsible for the re-training and professional development of the officer corps of the National Guard and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The re-training and professional development of specialists from other law enforcement agencies, relevant government organizations, institutions, and departments are carried out in accordance with regulatory documents, orders, and instructions from the command of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as based on agreements developed in the context of mutually beneficial cooperation. Education is carried out in the state language.

The training process involves military personnel and employees of the National Guard and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan who possess extensive scientific and practical experience, as well as leading specialists from higher education institutions, government bodies, and other relevant organizations and institutions.

Training sessions for re-training and professional development are conducted in accordance with curricula and plans developed for the respective courses. Depending on necessity, the training process may be carried out remotely using modern advanced technologies.