Department of Public Safety

History of the department - the Department of Public Security was established on the basis of the decision of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan on April 15, 2021 PQ-5077 "on measures to further improve the system of training professional personnel in the field of Public Security".

The purpose of the Department - improving the system of training highly qualified specialists in the field of preventing any threats to the peace and tranquility of our country and combating crime on the basis of advanced international standards, as well as increasing the personnel capacity of law enforcement agencies and the armed forces, based on the requirements of the time, consists in raising high-level, qualified, spiritually and physically mature, It was established on July 3, 2021, based on the decision of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on measures to further improve the system of training of professional personnel in the field of ensuring public security”dated April 15, 2021 PQ-5077.

In the field of educational and methodological work, using innovative methods of teaching, the educational directions of the bachelor's degree "Command-tactical activity of the road patrol service", "Command-tactical activity of the patrol-post service", "Legal support of the passport system" and organization of educational activities aimed at formation of highly qualified specialists in "Legal provision of public security" majors of magistracy;

In the field of scientific and methodical work - development of the scientific and methodical foundations of the educational process, provision of educational and methodical materials, modern education that serves to increase the labor productivity and quality and efficiency of the professors-teachers by studying the foreign experience in this field introduction of technologies;

In the field of scientific-research works - priorities of economic, banking-finance, investment, tax-budget, economic security reforms carried out in the country, taking into account advanced world experience and international standards, priority directions for public safety, scientific-research works implementation and implementation of their results;

in the field of organizational and methodical work - assessment of the quality of education, conducting its analysis, as well as effective organization of other organizational and methodical activities;

In the field of spiritual and moral and educational work - to help cadets, students and trainees to mature spiritually, intellectually, physically and morally and in the spirit of respect for national values, patriotism, civic sense, tolerance, respect for laws, national and universal values, in the spirit of raising children who can resist harmful influences and currents, have firm beliefs and views on life, feel their responsibility before the state and society, understand and adhere to the criteria of humanity, inter-ethnic harmony, justice and the rule of law to educate;

In the field of training of scientific-pedagogical personnel, upgrading and retraining of pedagogic personnel, in the field of work related to their internship - implementation of specific purposeful work on the formation of a scientific-pedagogical personnel training system of the department with rich intellectual and scientific-pedagogical skills that meets modern international standards

Members of the department: the head of the department is Colonel Yu.F.d., professor s.M. Selimanova, deputy head of the Department Lieutenant Colonel, Yu.F.B.F.d. B.Ch. Yasharev, professor of the Department Yu.F.d., professor I. Ismailov, associate professors of the Department: Yu.F.n., dosent B.E. Zakirov, Yu.F.n., dosent g.S. Sharipova, Yu.F.n., dosent g.T. Khakimov, I.F.n., dosent L.R. Shayusupova, s.F.B.F.d. (PhD), dosent R.R. Rashidov, f.F.B.F.d. (PhD), dosent d.D. Yusupova, Yu.F.B.F.d. (PhD), Lieutenant Colonel K.M. Rakhimov, senior teachers of the Department: lieutenant colonel he.T. Sunnatov, Capt. s.R. Tursunova, Minister Sh.N. Yuldashev, teachers of the Department: Captain U.Sh. Tallibaev and senior lieutenant Sh.O. Akhmedovs have been operating successfully.



The duty of the jurist is to exalt the legal consciousness of his people.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

The duty of a lawyer is to educate his own people.

Jamoada o'qitishning zamonaviy shakl va usullari, ilg'or pedagogik va axborot-kommunikasiya texnologiyalari keng joriy etilgan. O'quv mashg'ulotlari kafedraning malakali o'qituvchilari bilan birga, amaliyotda katta tajribaga ega mutaxassislar tomonidan olib boriladi. Buning uchun kafedra zarur o'quv-metodik baza va adabiyotlar bilan ta'minlangan. Ayniqsa mashg'ulotlarning ilg'or interfaol usullar yordamida tashkil etilayotgani kursantlarning nazariy bilim va ko'nikmalarini mustahkamlashga xizmat qilmoqda. Jamoa a'zolari dolzarb mavzularda ilmiy izlanishlar olib borish barobarida, xorijiy davlatlar ta'lim muassasalarida tajriba oshirib qaytishmoqda.

2021 yil 30 avgust kuni kafedra boshlig'i, polkovnik S.M. Selimanova O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2021 yil 24 maydagi Farmoniga binoan ta'sis etilgan O'zbekiston Respublikasi mustaqilligining 30 yilligi esdalik nishoni bilan taqdirlangan.

2022 yil 14 yanvar kuni kafedra boshlig'i, polkovnik S.M. Selimanova va kafedra dosenti L.R. Shayusupovalar O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2021 yil 1 dekabr kunidagi PF-28-son Farmoniga binoan ta'sis etilgan O'zbekiston Respublikasi Qurolli kuchlariga 30 yil esdalik nishoni bilan taqdirlangan.

2022 yil 8 dekabr kuni kafedra boshlig'i, polkovnik S.M. Selimanova O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2021 yil 8 noyabr kunidagi PF-243-son Farmoniga binoan ta'sis etilgan O'zbekiston Konstitusiyasining 30 yilligi esdalik nishoni bilan taqdirlangan.

Academy of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan



Academy Of Armed Forces Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan



Tashkent State transport University

Taking into account the fact that the department is newly established, work is being carried out on the preparation of textbooks on subjects that are currently being taught and are intended to be taught. At the moment, the Department of Education and Culture:
Textbooks on the subject of administrative responsibility (in Uzbek and Russian languages) were prepared and sent to the coordinating council under the Ministry of Higher Education for approval (authors S.M. Selimanova, S.R. Tursunova, U.Sh. Tallibaev);
A textbook on the basics of public safety (in Uzbek) is being prepared and submitted to the Stylistic Council for discussion (S.M. Selimanova from the department participated in the preparation process in the team of authors);
A textbook on personnel management (in Uzbek) was prepared and sent to the coordinating council under the Ministry of Higher Education for approval (author L.R. Shayusupova);
On behalf of the University, assistant professor of the department D. D. Yusupova participated in the team of authors prepared by the working group working at the Islamic Academy of the textbook on the spiritual and educational foundations of the fight against religious fanaticism, extremism and fundamentalism.

- On February 24, 2022, the certificate of official registration of the program created for electronic computing machines for the Electronic textbook “Administrativnaya otvetstvennost” on administrative responsibility was registered in the State Register of software products of the Republic of Uzbekistan by the intellectual property agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Certificate number No. DGU 14 726;
- On March 17, 2022, the certificate of official registration of the program created for electronic computing machines for an electronic textbook on administrative responsibility was registered in the State Register of software products of the Republic of Uzbekistan by the intellectual property agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Certificate number No. DGU 15 036.

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