

The decision of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan on April 15, 2021 “on measures to further improve the system of professional personnel training in the field of Public Security”PQ-500 establishes the admission of students to the University of Public Security on a comprehensive basis for the form of full-time education and military personnel for the form of

Admission of students and listeners to the special faculty is carried out on the basis of the regulation on the procedure for qualifying and enrolling candidates for the University of Public Security of the Republic of Uzbekistan, approved by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 500 of August 6, 2021.

Special faculty-the educational and scientific and administrative unit of the higher or higher military educational institution, which, in accordance with the National Program of Personnel Training, is engaged in the training of students in relevant educational directions and specialties, ensuring the continuous and harmonious conduct of educational processes, training, professional development and retraining of scientific pedagogical personnel, as well as the Coordination of Uzbekistan


Purpose of the special faculty

It consists in the training of educated, highly qualified and highly educated personnel who have a high professional competence, meet spiritual and moral requirements, have a high professional competence.


Functions of the special faculty

The main tasks of the special faculty include:
- training of specialists who have acquired knowledge in modern theoretical and advanced practical experiments, who can directly apply the knowledge gained in the performance of their professional activities and service tasks;
- the formation of leadership (leadership) qualities in listeners and students, the management of the team, the formation of skills and skills in creating a healthy moral environment in it;
-to ensure skillful management of listeners and students in their daily service activities, adapt to complex situations at short opportunities, achieve high moral and spiritual, spiritual qualities and mastery of features aimed at making the right decisions in emergency situations;
- formation of professional psychological knowledge and skills necessary in listeners and students;
- to carry out intellectual, special and mental training aimed at the formation of high professional skills, in order to ensure the full and conscientious performance of the service duties of the listener and students;
- control of the duration and quality of preparation and monitoring of the educational process of the listener and students;
- the use of distance learning methods in the educational process;
- establish close cooperation relations with leading educational institutions of foreign countries, attract highly qualified teachers and scientists from foreign partner educational institutions to the educational process;
-continuous improvement of the educational process based on the introduction of positive experience, modern forms and methods of education, ensuring a practical orientation towards solving the tasks facing it;
- introduction of advanced informative and pedagogical technologies into the educational process;
- cooperation with relevant field services of National Guard bodies, departments and other components of the University in order to effectively organize the educational process;
- ensuring the conduct of business in the manner prescribed by law;
- development of curricula and programs in accordance with Educational Directions;
-it consists in strengthening and updating the material and technical base of the faculty in accordance with modern requirements and standards.

Academic work

Training for students and listeners is carried out on the basis of modern pedagogical and innovative technologies. The study rooms are equipped with modern technical means.
The educational process, methodological and educational work in the faculty is carried out in accordance with the legislation. The educational process is organized in accordance with the requirements of the qualification approved in the prescribed manner and the working training plans drawn up on the basis of model training plans, as well as the schedule of the educational process.
Training with listeners and students is carried out on the basis of a schedule of training sessions according to the approved training process schedule.
It is ensured that the teaching staff of the university conducts training in all subjects taught at the faculty in the educational process.
For listeners and students of the faculty, at the beginning of the accepted academic year, information is provided directly on the initial introduction to the educational process at the University, as well as on the subjects taught during the semester. The audience is given thematic assignments and methodological instructions on their implementation.
Advanced methods and technologies (development of problematic, Interactive, Creative Activities, Group solving of creative tasks, collaborative pedagogy, individualization, etc.) are used in lectures, seminars and practical classes held during the educational process.

Control and evaluation of listener and student knowledge is carried out in accordance with the orders of the commander of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan, order of the Minister of higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 9, 2018 “on approval of the regulation on the system of control and assessment of student knowledge in higher educational institutions”No. 19-2018
Study at the faculty is completed with the protection of the listener and students of Graduation qualification work and the final state certification.
The final state attestation is carried out according to the complex of disciplines or disciplines provided for by the approved curriculum for the Faculty.
Listeners and students educated at the faculty are awarded a diploma of the state sample by the decision of the commission of the final state attestation.
The diploma application is completed in accordance with the subjects in the sample curriculum and their size.
In the academic year 2022-2023, students of the special faculty took an active part in the online Olympiad in the fields of science organized by the Union of youth of Uzbekistan, winning honorable places.


Spiritual and educational and work with young people

Spiritual and educational and youth work activities are carried out on the basis of the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the National Guard, in connection with the educational process, by the Department of educational and ideological affairs of the University, the leadership of the faculty, the composition of professors and teachers, taking into account the individual qualities of listeners and students.
Within the framework of the state youth policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the “five important initiatives” of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, spiritual and educational and sports events are organized with students of the special faculty.

“Zakovat”, “quiz”, “jurisprudence” held at the University are actively participating in “knowledgeable” intellectual games, gaining proud places by showing their knowledge and potential.
In connection with the beginning of the academic year for students of the special faculty, an annual meeting with the head and deputies of the University with requirements is organized within the framework of the “introduction week” program. At this event, the order and rules of education were explained to students. Questions posed by students are also answered in detail.
In order to deeply educate the students of the special faculty about the rich cultural norms left by our national history and great ancestors, and to form patriotic feelings in them, students are visited by the “State Museum of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, “Victory Park”, “Amir Temur” museums and attractions in Tashkent City, “alley of ADIBS”.
Students of the special faculty took an active part in the contest "Konstitusia bilimdoni" organized on a university scale, won the first place of Honor in general and were awarded diplomas and souvenirs of the head of the University.
At the same time, students of the special faculty actively participated in the examination competition "Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur-through the eyes of all-Armenian youth", organized among students of higher educational institutions, won the honorable second place and was awarded diplomas and souvenirs.
Students of the special faculty participated in the sports competition “Chess” organized at the University, which at the expense of the general public took the first place of Honor.
Also, students of the special faculty actively participated in the examination competition “Zakovat”, which is constantly organized at the University, won the first place of honor and was awarded diplomas and souvenirs.
At the same time, students actively participate in educational and sports activities with orphanages located in the city of Tashkent, boarding schools with limited opportunities, secondary schools and youth in the Almazar District neighborhoods of the city of Tashkent, adding their contribution to the education of young people in the spirit of patriotism.
Regular visits of students to the theater, museums and historical monuments located in Tashkent, the National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoiy were also organized.


Collaborative work

A number of higher education institutions in the Republic on educational and spiritual work of the special faculty are in particular the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek and Z.M.Joint measures are being implemented on the basis of an agreement with Andijan State University named after Babur.


Attached educational institutions

According to the order of the head of the University of Public Security of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 24, 2022 No. 120 “on attachment of university units to muruvvat and boarding houses of Almazar District of Tashkent City”, a specialized school for children with disabilities No. 36 in Almazar District of Tashkent City is attached to the special faculty.


The leadership of the special faculty and students of the special faculty have been visiting a specialized school on the occasion of state and national holidays and organizing various spiritual educational and sports competitions among the pupils of the specialized school.



In a specialized school, the activities of groups in the patriotic-sports direction were established for those brought up in need of socio-pedagogical, medical-psychological support, for those brought up with an interest in sports and the military sphere.

In order to educate the pupils of a specialized school in the spirit of military patriotism and to increase their interest in the military profession, the University Orchestra, artistic amateur teams, hand-to-hand combat and the weapon group are showing their show performances.

The specialized school has organized meetings, events with the participation of famous athletes, figures of science, art and literature.

Social, pedagogical and psychological assistance was provided to persons who were brought up in a specialized school, received guardianship, patronage and family education (patronage), as well as their upbringing.


Achievements of students and listeners of the special faculty.

Achievements of students and listeners of the special faculty.Students of the special faculty took an active part in the contest "Konstitusia bilimdoni" organized on a university scale, won the first place of Honor in general and were awarded diplomas and souvenirs of the head of the University.At the same time, students of the special faculty actively participated in the examination competition "Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur-through the eyes of all-Armenian youth", organized among students of higher educational institutions, won the honorable second place and was awarded diplomas and souvenirs.The team of students of the special faculty took an active part in the educational field examination competition among higher education institutions located in the Tashkent region and entered the lake the winner of the nomination “most talented students”.

Student Sotvoldiyeva Nodirabegim Mirzokhid gizi took an active part in the Scientific Conference “New Uzbekistan-modern leaders” organized by the Navoi region branch of the State Service Development Agency in khuzuri, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the khududiy Department of the Navoi region of the Youth Agency of Uzbekistan with the participation of intelective potential, creative leader youth and talented students.  In cooperation with Uzbek and Norwegian students organized by the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, he took an active part in the framework of the English spear tour grand project and visited Samarkand, Bukhara, Ta'rikhiy and sights of the Tashkent region and resorts for 5 days, forming language skills. He was awarded the gratitude of the head of the University for his active participation in the spiritual and educational event held at the University of Public Security on July 1 with the monastery “International Children's day”.     He took an active part in the “7th generation Tashkent Youth Forum”organized for gifted students in cooperation with the Asociation of Valyontors and higher education institutions of Uzbekistan and was awarded a certificate.He took an active part in the “7th generation Tashkent Youth Forum”organized for gifted students in cooperation with the Asociation of Valyontors and higher education institutions of Uzbekistan and was awarded a certificate.
The son of student Shodiyev Jakhongir Shukhrat was honored 1st place in the “chess” competition of the sport held at the university level and was awarded the diploma and commemorative badge of the head of the University. Samarkand region was awarded 3rd place of Honor in the chess tournament.


Talented students of the faculty

Sotvoldiyeva Nodirabegim was accepted as a student at the Public Security University of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2021 on the basis of a state grant.

Nodirabegim talented youth support and "Ulug'bek" foundation organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation "Mirzo Ulugbek Successors" competition regional stage project "A new look at the Uzbek language" participated and won and was awarded with a cash prize.

On March 8, 2022, on "International Women's Day", she was awarded a souvenir from the Head of the University.

She participated in the contest organized by the Youth Affairs Agency for the "Girl's Voice" club with the project "Step to Career" and was elected the chief coordinator of Almazor district.

Alisher Sadullayev, director of the central apparatus of the Youth Affairs Agency, was awarded among the youth who are regularly active in the public with their proposals and projects during the year 2023 at the report meeting event.

For our women and girls under 18-30 years of age who are doing scientific research by the Youth Affairs Agency, they participated in the project at the "Ilm-fan" camp after the selection process and were awarded with commemorative gifts and a certificate by the organization.

Members of the Youth Parliament under the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and the central council of the National Revival Party for active youth in the 2023 report event, among a group of young people who helped in the implementation of various projects in the political process during the year, Nodirabegim was awarded with a letter of thanks from the chairman of the party

Nodirabegim regularly provides information on psychology throughout the Republic and on the University site within the framework of the "Psychological Counseling House" project.

Nodira Begim's poems are included in the book collection "Hilol" III, which includes the creative works of writers and creative young people in order to support talented young people, create conditions for their growth and development by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation took place.

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