The new Constitution is a reliable guarantee of honor. human dignity and rights

The new Constitution is a reliable guarantee of honor. human dignity and rights

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.UP-53 dated October 17, 2024, the University of Public Security of the Republic of Uzbekistan, together with the Ministries of Internal Affairs and Emergency Situations, on November 8 this year, events on the theme "The new Constitution is a reliable guarantee of honor, dignity and human rights were organized in military units and rescue units with the participation of military personnel and rescuers During the events, students of the Master's degree program of the University of Public Security Major L.Kodirov and Captain K Ikramov spoke about the essence of the new coristitution, in particular, that the new strategic goal of state-building is to build a democratic, legal, social and secular state, the introduction of principles of social justice and solidarity, thereby strengthening the constitutional foundations pro viding for completely new mechanisms for the protection of human rights and freedoms. And also, during the meeting, undergraduates Major A. Saburov and Senior Lieutenant Arakhimov organized and conducted trainings aimed at improving communication skills and cohesion among military teams and rescuers. Following the meeting, servicemen and rescuers of internal affairs and emergency situations received comprehensive answers to their questions.

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