The Human Rights Ensuring - is Valuable!

The Human Rights Ensuring - is Valuable!

In the connection with implementation of the Presidential Decree -46 of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated on the February 7, 2023 "On approval of the national education program in the field of human rights in the Republic of Uzbekistan", Univerity of Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan is holding a " Week of Human Rights" from the 20th up to 27th February. The main purpose of holding this week is to explain the importance of education in the field of human rights among the population in order to encourage the respect of every citizen towards human rights and to ensure their comprehensive observance, and to explain that the prevention of various violence and conflicts is very important. Military servicemen, professors and cadets, military servicemen and employees of the National Guard, regional offices and military units, and military personnel of the educational centers are provided with active participation in the weeks as "Spiritual Lessons" and "Informative Hours". At the same time, the university professors and teachers organized all community meetings in the secondary schools in Almazor district, in the higher education institutions in the districts are conducting for the further improvement of the protection of human rights and legal interests, as well as improving the legal culture and literacy of young people. The "Road Map" of the University of Public Safety has been developed for the implementation of the decision, which includes the introduction of educational and special courses as "Human Rights", "Women's Rights", "Children's Rights", and the national competition as "Education and Innovation in the Field of Human Rights and Freedoms". Participation, development of proposals for the introduction of human rights subjects (courses) in the system of training and retraining of teachers and manuals as "Human rights and freedoms in Uzbekistan", "Human rights", "Children's rights", "Women's rights" are provided. To develop proposals for the introduction of educational and special courses "Children's rights", participation in the national competition "Education and innovations in the field of human rights and freedom", and the development of proposals for the introduction of human rights subjects (educational courses) in the system of training and retraining of teachers. Preparation and printing of manuals and brochures as "Human rights and freedoms in Uzbekistan", "Human rights", "Children's rights", "Women's rights", "Rights of people with disabilities" are provided.

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