The role and significance of the Navoi heritage in Uzbek statehood

The role and significance of the Navoi heritage in Uzbek statehood

It is difficult to express in one word the attention paid by our state to the personality of Hazrat's grandfather Alisher Navoi during the years of independence. No matter how much we talk about our grandfather Navoi and no matter how much research we do, we will continue to learn more and more aspects of his wonderful creations. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the birthday of Hazrat Navoi is widely celebrated not only in our republic, but all over the world. The works of Alisher Navoi are a kind of embodiment of the soul. First of all, in each poem the poet unfolds his heart. Moreover, every four or five Gazelles we somehow encounter a direct image of the soul symbol. There is a breath of pain, sadness, and joy in the poet's work. No matter what topic he wrote, his lines still have not lost their value. Of course, the immortality of poetic lines has its own magic. In connection with the 582nd anniversary of Hazrat Alisher Navoi, a spiritual and educational event was held at the University of Public Security of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the topic "The role and significance of the Navoi heritage in Uzbek statehood". The event opened with an introductory speech by the deputy head of the University, Colonel Makhmudov Ikromjon Abdumutalibovich. The university staff took part in this spiritual and educational event. The event was attended by People's Artists of Uzbekistan Erkin Komilov and Gavkhar Zakirova, who brought a special atmosphere to the event with their informative performances. Artistic, musical and poetic performances of the ensemble and choir of the University of Public Security of the Republic of Uzbekistan dedicated to the activities and creativity of Alisher Navoi were also mentioned. At the end of the event, the guests were presented with letters of thanks and memorable gifts from the head of the university. Indeed, we wish that Navoi's creativity, his exemplary life, illuminate the path of each of us, especially our youth, and inspire them to do good deeds.

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