The complex military-political, social and economic situations that are emerging around the world require a new approach to education in order to educate young people who are deeply educated intellectually capable, capable of choosing the most correct and safe path to solving any problems, and making fair decisions, patriotic, nationalist, and selfless children. In fact, in this regard, it is of great importance to study and comprehensively support the moral and spiritual state of students in schools, as well as to improve the quality of education and ensure its safety by forming an uncompromising attitude towards violations in them. On February 27, 2025, the Department of Ensuring Public Safety of the University of Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a republican scientific and practical conference on the topic “Implementation of the concept of “Safe Education” in New Uzbekistan: National and Foreign Experience”. At the conference, speakers made speeches on the topics “Moral and spiritual support of students in schools and the formation of an uncompromising attitude towards violations in them”, “Reforms in the field of preschool and school education in the organization of safe education”, “Issues of ensuring the psychology of information security in the military sphere”, “Prevention of violations against pedagogical personnel”, “Ensuring the safety of secondary schools: problems and solutions” and answered questions of interest to the participants. The goal of the event is to ensure security in the education sector, which is the backbone of our country, to exchange views on ensuring the security of educational institutions (schools), and to develop proposals and recommendations on problems and solutions in the sector.