Measures to Effectively Organize the Promotion of Foreign Language Learning.

Measures to Effectively Organize the Promotion of Foreign Language Learning.

At the Public Safety University of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Department of "Language Learning" held a scientific-practical conference on December 25, 2024, titled "Modern Trends in Foreign Language Teaching," in accordance with the implementation of the Decree No. PQ-5117 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dated May 19, 2021, "Measures to Bring the Activity of Promoting Foreign Language Learning in the Republic of Uzbekistan to a New Level," and the Resolution No. 312 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, also dated May 19, 2021, "Measures to Effectively Organize the Promotion of Foreign Language Learning." The conference featured valuable insights and recommendations from methodologists and scholars who are actively engaged in creative work in the country. Discussions were held on various situations and problems encountered during the teaching of students, listeners, and cadets in non-philological disciplines, and how to solve them. In the process of historical reforms aimed at the comprehensive development of New Uzbekistan and the creation of the foundation for the Third Renaissance era, significant efforts are also being made to promote foreign language learning. Notably, at the Public Safety University of Uzbekistan, six languages are currently taught (English, German, Chinese, Arabic, Turkish, and Uzbek). Specialized classrooms have been established in the Department of Language Learning for teaching these foreign languages. The lessons are conducted by both foreign specialists and qualified local professors and teachers. The conference was opened by the rector of the Public Safety University, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Uzbekistan, Colonel M. Kh. Rustambayev. He emphasized that it is difficult to imagine the development of science and the life of the country without foreign languages. He also pointed out that the requirement for graduates of higher education institutions to master "at least two foreign languages" in addition to their native language, as set by the President, is not without reason. In the modern world, geosocial, economic, and cultural development, as well as integration, create the need for individuals to deeply know foreign languages and use them for personal and professional purposes. He stressed that it is necessary to teach foreign languages in philological and non-philological educational institutions in line with modern demands. The event was moderated by Sayyora Islomkhodzhayeva, a teacher from the Department of Language Learning.

The conference was attended by renowned foreign language specialists from our country. Among them, Dilshoda Murodquziyeva, Associate Professor of the "Languages" Department at Chirchik Higher Tank Command Engineering School, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, presented a paper titled "Innovative Lehrstrategien." She spoke in detail about new approaches in foreign language teaching and answered questions raised by the conference participants, providing her insights and reflections.

Another expert, Malokhat Yulchiyevna Badalbayeva, Associate Professor and Lieutenant Colonel at the Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, impressed the conference participants with her interesting presentation on "Learn Emergency Situations Vocabulary Through English New Sources."

At the conference, Ozoda Bakhramovna Malayeva, Associate Professor of the "Uzbek Language and Foreign Languages" Department at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, delivered a paper on "The Importance of Continuous Diagnosis in the Professional Development of English Language Teachers," providing valuable information on the role of continuous diagnosis in the teaching of foreign languages.

In the conference, Marxabo Rakhmonkulovna Abdullayeva, Associate Professor of the "Western Languages" Department at Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, PhD in Philological Sciences, presented a paper on "Using Artificial Intelligence in Foreign Language Teaching: Analysis and Results." She shared relevant information on the importance of artificial intelligence in foreign language education.  Additionally, professors from the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, D.K. Hasanova and M.A. Ulmasbayev, also delivered presentations.

During the conference, Colonel A.S. Khursandov, Head of the Department of Language Learning, emphasized that cadets must deeply understand the necessity of learning foreign languages during their free time, as it is a current demand. He also stressed the importance of acquiring foreign language skills and obtaining a certificate.

Following the presentations, a question-and-answer session and debates were held by the university's cadets. The conference left a significant impression on the cadets and all the participants. The results of the conference are planned to be summarized in a collection.

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