Master class: integration of traditions and innovations

Master class: integration of traditions and innovations

It’s known, 2023 year was declared as “ The year of attention to human and quality education”. The mutual cooperation of higher education establishments is one of the productive way of increasing education quality. On the 18th of February the master class was organized by the department of languages of Public safety university. The master class was held by assistant professor, PhD in psychology, the head of the department “Psychology” Saodat Melikuziyevna Tuychiyeva. In the master class professor-teachers of the Language department exchange their opinions on doing exercises about improving cadets’ interests in learning languages as well as strengthen internal and external motivation. During the master class S.Tuychiyeva gave some examples from her rich pedagogical experience, on improving psychological sphere in education process as well as she gave some recommendation on marking cadets and students objectively. The represents took good impressions from this master class and  agreed to organize such kind of events prolonged.

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