In University held “an open day” event under the slogan “National Guard – through the eyes…

In University held “an open day” event under the slogan “National Guard – through the eyes of youth”


In accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in January 19, 2022 year “On measures to radically improve the system of working with youth in neighborhoods” and within the framework of the “Day of spiritual uplift and patriotism”, on November 1 of this year, at the initiative of the department of Organization of educational and ideological work of the University of public safety, an “Open doors day” event was held at the University under the slogan “National Guard - through the eyes of youth” for students of general schools in Tashkent, the Temurbek School of the National Guard, and young people. The students were welcomed to the sounds of the University Military Orchestra, and they were given information about the University’s “Patriotic Center” and museum, as well as the history and current activities of the University. After that, the hand-to-hand combat and weapons demonstration performances by the cadets left a great impression on the students and young people. An exhibition of military equipment, weapons, military uniforms, and radio communications equipment was also presented to the students, and a tour of the University was organized.

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