With the support of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers (TIQXMMI) – National Research University, together with the international scientific journal "Science and Innovation", an international conference was held on the topic "The role of women in the development of science, spiritual, moral and educational sectors: problems and solutions".
In ensuring the implementation of the National Program to Increase the Activity of Women in All Spheres of Economic, Political and Social Life of the Country for 2022-2026 and the Comprehensive Action Plan for its Implementation, in the "Contribution of Young Scientists of Uzbekistan to Science", "Ensuring Gender Equality in Science", as well as "Increasing the Social and Political Activity of Women in the Higher Education System", "Using the Scientific Potential of Women Scientists in the Development of Science and Innovation", thereby increasing the spiritual and educational activity of women in educational institutions, the formation of spiritual values in the mahalla and family, leading scientists, as well as young researchers and students discuss issues on scientific and theoretical coverage of the place and role of the family, identifying problems of improving the spiritual and educational activity of women in the world community in the context of globalization.
The purpose of the conference: to conduct discussions and develop recommendations to expand the scale of support for women in Uzbekistan and further enhance their influence in science, culture, education, politics and economics.
- Participation of women scientists in the integration of education, science and production
- The Role of Women in the Development of Science and Innovation: Gender Equality
- The role of the family in increasing the spiritual and educational activity of women and girls
- Advanced foreign experience in further improving the system of support for women and ensuring their active participation in public life
The conference also saw the participation of Lieutenant Colonel Shahnoza Akramova Abrorovna, Deputy Head of the Department of Military-Patriotic, Spiritual-Enlightenment Education and Social Work with Youth at the University of Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, and Professor. She presented her report on the topic of “The Contribution of Female Military Personnel to the Development of the Armed Forces System.”
At the conclusion of the conference, honorary guests were presented with statuettes, memorable gifts, and certificates