According to the international scientific and practical conference on the topic "ENSURING PUBLIC SECURITY: DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN EXPERIENCE"

April 26, 2022 at 14:30 at the University of Public Security, it is planned to hold an international scientific and practical conference on the topic "Ensuring public security: domestic and foreign experience."

The conference will be held in the following sections:

  1. Theoretical, practical, organizational and legal support of public security: problems and solutions.
  2. Issues of improving the training of personnel in the field of ensuring public safety.
  3. Actual problems of ensuring information security in the system of public security.
  4. Political, military, legal, religious, social, economic, environmental issues of ensuring public safety.

Conference language: Uzbek, Russian and English.

Requirements for the design of texts of articles:

scientific articles and abstracts should be presented on current topics related to the directions of the conference, based on scientific analysis and completed conclusions, covering scientific and practical recommendations, without spelling errors, complete with a questionnaire article;

texts of lectures should be written in Times New Roman and 14 kegel, with an interval of 1.5, the volume of at least 4 pages;

at the end of the article, proposals and recommendations of particular scientific and theoretical significance should be given;

margins and borders of the text: top and bottom - 2.0 cm, right - 1.5 cm, left - 3.0 cm;

abstract and keywords should be presented in three languages (Uzbek, Russian and English);

abstracts of lectures should be submitted in electronic form in RTF format;

the title of the article is written in capital letters, on the right, after one interval, in full small letters, you must indicate the scientific degree and full name of the author (s), place of work, position, e-mail, a paragraph is made after an interval and the text of the article is written.

The author is responsible for the content of information presented in articles and abstracts.

Articles and abstracts in electronic format should be sent by telegram to the number 99-876-24-41 or to the email address: until April 16, 2023.

Articles and abstracts that meet the requirements will be published in the conference proceedings.

Materials that have not passed the examination, not submitted within the specified period will not be included in the collection and will not be returned to the authors.

Information about the organizing committee can be obtained at: 100109, Tashkent, Zangiata district, Chorsu village, 100.

Note: the article must clearly indicate the direction of the conference.

Persons responsible for receiving articles: Tallibayev Umid, Akhmedov Sherzod.

Contact phones: 99-876-24-41, 98 000 44 21.

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