Complex security systems of objects, results and prospects: international experience

Complex security systems of objects, results and prospects: international experience

Within the framework of the large-scale reforms carried out in our country, special attention is paid to ensuring a peaceful life of the population and the formation of a culture of law obedience and public safety in our society. In particular, completely new mechanisms and procedures for organizing work in the direction of ensuring public safety on the principle of “serving the interests of the people” were introduced and targeted interaction of state bodies with public structures. At the same time, various risks and conflicts, threats to the peace and tranquility of motherland, natural and man-made disasters impose on responsible state structures task further improvement  of activities on the priority idea that “all efforts are for the sake of man.” Regional and local military actions on a global scale, the last bloody clashes observed on our planet, once again calling us to awareness, this disaster clearly demonstrated the weak aspects of all mankind. The current threatening and complex situation has proven that all countries and peoples on earth are interconnected, and regular communication, trust and close cooperation are extremely important. An international scientific-practical conference on “Complex security systems of objects, results and prospects: international experience" was held at the University of Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan on November with the aim of scientific practical study, analysis, mutual exchange of views on international and foreign experiments, as well as improving the practice of national legislation and law enforcement. Representatives of several world-class leading companies of the people’s Democratic Republic of China along with National Educational, Scientific Organizations at the conference, Russian Federation, Republic of Kazakhstan in addition to these, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Academy of the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan, the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, Regional Training Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan Karakalpakstan, Fargana Regional Training Center of the National Guard of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh Regional Training Center of the National Guard and specialized training center of the Republic of Uzbekistan, independent researchers, cadets and media were present at the conference.

The conference was held according to the following plan-scenario:

The conference was opened by the head of the educational methodological Department of the University of Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan, doctor of philosophy in technical sciences, associate professor, colonel Achilov Farkhod Bagadirovich with an introductory speech.

Doctor of philosophy of technical sciences, associate professor of the University of Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan Colonel Andrei Yureyvich PEN gave a speech.

During the conference foreign experts also made their reports on the topic of the conference. After the reports the speakers gave answers to questions posed by the conference participants, the issues placed on the conference agenda were hotly discussed.

The convention was a richly contested event. At the end of the conference, proposals and recommendations were developed by the participants on the technical improvement of guard activities in ensuring public safety. The implementation of a qualitatively new system, ensuring that such events are held regularly, are extremely important, categorized and other facilities are guarded, was highlighted.

At the end of the conference, the department of “Engineering and technical protection” of the University was equipped with modern engineering and technical means of protection of special training classes and laboratory rooms, and at the same time, under the leadership of the composition of qualified professors and teachers of the department under the Military Scientific Society of the University.

At the end of the conference, the deputy head of the department of engineering and technical support of the University Colonel E.D.Khursandov and senior teacher of the Department Lieutenant Colonel G.B.Tadjitdinov gave interviews to media workers.

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