Activities of the orphanage were studied

Activities of the orphanage were studied

Sh. Akramova, head of the Department of Military-Patriotism, Spiritual Education and Social Work with Youth of the University of Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan, studied the activities of the Children's Home located at 54 Istiqlol Street, Kitab District, Kashkadarya Region, Kitab District. 23 of them are boys and 27 are girls. There are 26 educators working in the orphanage. In the course of the study, the work documents of educators were familiarized. Educators were familiarized with the activities they conduct with their students, the educational process, annual and daily work plans. The educators were studied the work activities carried out on the basis of their workbook and the process of pedagogical-psychological and correctional work with the students.

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