A republican scientific-practical conference on the topic «Prospects for Reducing Pedestri…

A republican scientific-practical conference on the topic «Prospects for Reducing Pedestrian-Related Road Traffic A…

The purpose of the scientific-practical conference was to theoretically and practically study the above-mentioned issues, reduce road traffic accidents involving pedestrians, and introduce innovative technologies to prevent them. Additionally, the conference aimed to develop scientific and practical approaches to solving existing problems in this field, as well as to formulate solutions and proposals. Representatives of the Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Road Traffic Safety Service of the Public Security Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Tashkent State Transport University, Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, the Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Chirchiq Higher Tank Command-Engineering School, and the Republican Forensic Examination Center named after K. Sulaymanova participated in the conference, presenting their scientific articles.

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