A ceremony dedicated to the graduation of young officers was held.

A ceremony dedicated to the graduation of young officers was held.

A solemn ceremony dedicated to the graduation of young officers who graduated from the educational institution was held at the Public Security University of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
At this ceremony, the Commander of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan Major General R. Dzurayev, member of the Committee on Defense and Security Issues of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis T. Karimov, the heads of the Security Council and partner ministries, the veterans' council and members of the general public, as well as , parents and relatives of graduates participated.

In the main part of the event, by order of the National Guard commander, it was announced that the graduates were awarded the military rank of "Lieutenant" and they were presented with diplomas and badges. Then, farewell and ceremonial march ceremonies of young lieutenants with the University Combat Flag were held.

After that, the Commander of the National Guard, Major-General R.Dzurayev, made a speech, sincerely congratulating the young officers on successfully graduating from the university and being awarded the honorable title of officer, showing the qualities of high responsibility, honesty and humility in their future activities. he emphasized that they will remain faithful to the Motherland, its people and the President for a lifetime.

In addition, the guests who received the speech assured the young officers that they will faithfully fulfill their duty to the Motherland and selflessly serve our people, effectively applying the knowledge and skills they have acquired at the educational institution in the future.

During the event, the presentation of university cadets and the performance of "Waltz" dance by female cadets together with the graduates gave the event a special charm.

It should be noted that more than 293 young specialists successfully graduated from the University this academic year. 19 of them managed to graduate with honors. During the past period, young officers in the ranks were trained by experienced professors and teachers on the basis of the modern material and technical base. In the process of studying at the institution, special importance was attached to the acquisition of high professional training, the most advanced innovative knowledge and skills, and learning foreign languages. As a result, along with the improvement of military knowledge and skills of the graduates, feelings of patriotism, loyalty and fortitude were formed in their hearts.

We wish these brave and brave boys, who went to defend the country, great victories in their future service!

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