A roundtable discussion on "Issues of ensuring the rights of women and preventing family v…

A roundtable discussion on "Issues of ensuring the rights of women and preventing family violence in Uzbekistan" wa…

One of the main tasks of the development strategy of the new Uzbekistan is to increase the role of women in the socio-political life of the country and to expand the powers of women in solving current issues of domestic and foreign policy, as well as peace and security in the country.

In order to achieve these goals, the Women's Public Council of the University organized a roundtable discussion with future professionals and beautiful cadet girls of the university on the topic "Issues of ensuring the rights of women and preventing domestic violence in Uzbekistan." was carried out.

Women who stand out in our society with their knowledge took part in this conference. Member of "Marifat" propagandist society, speaker of the international category, holder of the Order of "Labour Glory", doctor of philosophy, professor Shermuhamedova Jamila Tashpulatovna and associate professor of the Department of Criminal and Legal Sciences of the Public Security University of the Republic of Uzbekistan, legal sciences Doctor of philosophy, associate professor, lieutenant colonel Nurmuhammedova Guzal Bakhodirovna is one of them.

At the event, special attention was paid to issues such as "A prosperous family is the basis of society's development", "The Constitution is a guarantee of women's rights", "Issues of ensuring the rights of women in the criminal law of Uzbekistan and responsibility for domestic violence" , was widely discussed.

At the end of the roundtable discussion, Professor Shermuhamedova Jamila Tashpulatovna held a master class on how to feel happy, and all participants were given advice on how to form relationships in the future family and work life.

According to the participants, the regular holding of such conferences has a great role in women's family happiness and development of themselves as well-rounded individuals. The conference laid the foundation for the development of friendly cooperation at a high level.

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