Testing was provided to obtain preferential letters of recommendation from ordinary soldie…

Testing was provided to obtain preferential letters of recommendation from ordinary soldiers of military service of…

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 31, 2012, PD-1765 "On additional measures to improve the system of benefits for citizens who have served in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan" test procedures were conducted for the letters of recommendation that provide opportunities for future careers of serving soldiers. These test processes were carried out on the basis of the Regulation "On the procedure for issuing recommendations for admission to higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan to military personnel undergoing temporary military service". The final evaluation of the soldiers' mastery of combat and moral-educational training programs, as well as their level of knowledge, was conducted by the responsible staff of the Knowledge and Skills Assessment Agency under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Mathematics, physics and logical test questions were compiled by the Knowledge and Skills Assessment Agency with the participation of relevant ministries, state committees and agencies, taking into account the curricula of general education and special secondary education institutions. The total number of test questions is 100, of which 40 are combat training, 20 are spiritual and educational training, 10 are mathematics, 10 questions are on Physics and remaining 20 are logical questions. 1.2 points for each correct answer to questions on combat training, 1.1 points on spiritual and educational training and 1 point is given to all other subjects. A total of 3 hours is allotted for the tests, and a maximum of 110 points is possible by answering all the questions correctly. Letters of recommendation issued to citizens serving in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan are valid for three years.

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