The legacy of Navoi and Babur through the eyes of youth

The legacy of Navoi and Babur through the eyes of youth

On the 10th of February this year, the Department of Languages of the University of Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a Republican scientific and practical conference on the theme "The legacy of Navoi and Babur through the eyes of youth".    The conference began with an introductory speech by the head of the University of Public Safety, Doctor of Law, Professor, Colonel M.H. Rustambayev, who spoke about the immortal legacy of Alisher Navoi, a great thinker, poet, sultan of gazels. He also noted that the ruler and poet, commander Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur played an important role in educating young people in the spirit of patriotism.  The moderator of the event was Umida Badriddinova, an employee of the editorial and publishing department of the university. Well-known linguists of our republic were invited to the conference. In particular, the head of the Department of Urdu language and literature, History and culture of Pakistan, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD) Muhlisa Sharahmedova gave a lecture on the topic “A. Ibrokhimov's contribution to the development of Babur studies”. She spoke in detail about the life and work of Babur, and also answered the questions of participants. At the conference, Bobur Bobomurod, head of the Department of Tashkent Financial Institute, honored worker of culture of Uzbekistan, poet, literary critic, made a report “The Anthem of the Motherland and the ideas of humanism in the spiritual heritage of A. Navoi and Babur”. Another literary scholar, head of the Department of Uzbek literary studies of the National University of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philology, professor H.U. Boltaboev presented a lecture "The spiritual heritage of A. Navoi and Z.M. Babur" to the listeners and cadets. During the conference, the head of the Department of Languages major A.S. Hursandov spoke about the necessity  of studying the heritage left to us by these two great ancestors, for preservation and transmission to the next generation. The next speaker, associate professor of the Department of Languages F. Umarova, in her speech pointed out that Navoi and Bobur left behind a great scientific legacy. Professor of the department O. Latipov called on young people to be a generation worthy of their ancestors. After the speakers’ speeches, the university cadets read gazels and rubai written by Navoi and Babur, and stage productions were shown.

The conference left a deep impression on the cadets of our university and all the participants.

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