Practical training courses for specialists of the National Guard units and educational ins…

Practical training courses for specialists of the National Guard units and educational institutions of the Republic…

In August-November of this year, the Tashkent city administration of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized practical training courses for specialists of the National Guard units and educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the involvement of experts from the Gendarmerie of the Republic of Turkey.
The purpose of organizing practical training courses:
further increase cooperation;
ensuring the safety of citizens; improving the skills and abilities of military personnel;
improving the skills and abilities of effective use of krav maga methods during service in public places and performing combat tasks.
At the end of the practical training courses, the teacher of the Department of Physical Training and Sports of the University of Public Security, Captain Salimov Farrukhjon Abdukhakim son, was awarded with a special certificate. At the same time, a training manual on Krav Maga methods was developed and submitted to the stage of the university methodical council.

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