As previously reported, a group of republican trainers under the leadership of the first deputy head of the University of Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan, professor O.K. is conducting training. In accordance with the cooperation between the University of Public Safety and the Fergana Region Department of the National Guard, on August 23, 2024, a training exercise was held with the military personnel of the Fergana Region Department of the National Guard on the topic of "Cooperation of Election Commissions with the National Guard and Internal Affairs Authorities". In the educational and practical training, the deputy head of the department "Educational-psychological provision of service activities" of the University of Public Safety, p.f.b.f.d. (PhD), associate professor G'.Z. Ikmatullayev participated in the lecture and gave reports on the essence of the election of deputies to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and local councils, and its specific features, to be held on October 27, 2024.
Special attention was paid to the following issues during the training session:
- concept of proportional electoral system and its specific features;
- the concept of majoritarian electoral system and its characteristics;
- cooperation of election commissions with employees of the National Guard and internal affairs bodies;
- Cooperation of National Guard officers with precinct election commissions in maintaining public order.
During the training exercise, two explanations were given regarding the procedure of voting in the election, the cooperation of the election commissions with the employees of the National Guard in maintaining public order.