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On December 7 of this year, IIV Korovul Kushins 7534 associate professor of the Department of educational and psychological provision of service activities of the University of Public Security of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Harbi kism D.S. Abdullazhanova, master listeners of the department D.Kholdoraliev, M.On the initiative of karshiboevs, on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the renewed Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the participation of 300 military personnel, a training event was held on the topic "the renewed Constitution of New Uzbekistan is a guarantee of training and rukhiy education". The event focused on the content of the updated constitution, the history of creation, guarantees. The event was rich in sermazmun and questions and answers. At the end of the event, the speakers were handed over the thank-you notes of the 7534 kharbiy kism Rajbari.

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