


Xashimova Saboxat Abdullayevna


Professor of the Department of language teaching




By the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the occasion of the day of teachers and leaders who have made a worthy contribution to the development of the educational and educational system in our country, the effective implementation of reforms in the field, national and advanced foreign experience, the widespread introduction of innovative pedagogical and information and communication technologies, the,great achievements were introducedinthe exemplarytrainingof highly qualified personnel, for the formation of a healthy and harmonious mood, the upbringing of children in the spirit of love and loyalty to the Motherland, the elevation of universal values, as well as for their active participation in the life of societyAwardedthe Medal of "Shuhrat". On behalf of the leadership and personal composition of the National Guard Command and the University of public safety, we welcome this high dignity entrusted by the head of our state and wish further success in your work!

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